Entries by Jeffrey Ton


These times they are a changin’

With credit to Bob Dylan for a great lyric, these times certainly are changing. In the last 100 days or so, we have all experienced tremendous change, change in the way we work (and in a lot of cases this change meant a loss of work) and change in the way we live. As our […]

I’m Gone! Now What?

You may recall last month’s Leadership Q&A. Or…you may not…afterall it came out March 10…right before our world changed. At any rate, here is a link to Should I Stay or Should I Go.  Obviously a lot has changed in the month since. Many of you may have had the choice made for you through […]

Status Go – “Leading through Change” with Aaron Stone

Status Go – Episode 59 It’s not often you get to interview your boss. However, in this episode I was fortunate enough to discuss leading through change with Aaron Stone, CEO and President of InterVision…and my boss!  We covered a lot of ground in this conversation. Using the incredible transformation of Neteligent, a company he […]

(In)Visible Leadership

Our world has changed, seemingly overnight! If your LinkedIn newsfeed is anything like mine (and I am sure it is) it is full of posts and shares with advice. Advice for getting through the crisis that is still unfolding around us. Advice coming from all angles and perspectives. Advice delivered in many unique ways.  Just […]

The COVID-19 Journal Challenge

Our world has changed dramatically. For those in the U.S. this change has occurred in the last few weeks. How are you coping? What are you thinking? What are you feeling? How are you processing those thoughts and feelings?  In researching journals for another project (ask me about Lewis & Clark, I dare you!) I […]

I Saw My Father…

Could This Be Your Father As Well? I was scrolling through my LinkedIn newsfeed as I tend to do several times a day, when I saw a post. A post I can’t get out of my mind. I’m not sure what caught my attention first, probably the image. But with a glance so quick, I […]